Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.
You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).
A:    算法2更好, 在最下面

------------------------3 rd pass -------------------
以前脑子不清醒。  这个明明就是2次分开的profit的情况。
也就是说,可以先找出最赚钱的那个情况,然后,再 找出左右两边的subarray中最赚钱的情况。然后二者相加即可。

嗯,还是算法2, 左右扫,更好些。

divide and conquer

1: 第二个max和只有一个transaction时的数组(max1)  分离的。
              最新的一遍,只考虑了这一种情况,大谬 !!!!!!!!
2: max2与 max1有交际-----

public class Solution {
    public static final int minValue = -100000;

    public int maxProfit(int[] prices) {
        // This is max profit for two transactions
        if (prices != null && prices.length <= 1) {
            return 0;
        int[] change = new int[prices.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < prices.length - 1; i++) {
            change[i] = prices[i + 1] - prices[i];
        // return maxChange(change, 0, change.length - 1)[2];
        // case 1:
        // when the 2nd transaction independent of the 1st transaction
        // i.e. they are disjoint
        int[] max1 = maxChange(change, 0, change.length - 1);
        // exclude the intervals from changes , to do second max
            return 0; // if the max buying profit in a single transaction is < 0

        int[] modifiedChanges = new int[change.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
            if (i >= max1[0] && i <= max1[1]) {
                modifiedChanges[i] = minValue;
            } else {
                modifiedChanges[i] = change[i];
        int[] max2 = maxChange(modifiedChanges, 0, change.length - 1);
        //since when change = [1] only, the max 2 would return the above min_value;
        int disJointMax = max1[2] + Math.max( max2[2],0); // we can reasonbalely assume that max2[2]>0

        // Case 2:
        // when two transactions are both intersect with the interval of one
        // transaction
        // we know that left and right terminal belongs to the two transactions.
        // but they finally divided by the negative interval inside max1
        // First we modify the changes.
        for (int i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
            modifiedChanges[i] = -change[i];

        int[] minInside = maxChange(modifiedChanges, max1[0], max1[1]);

        if (minInside[0] - 1 < 0 || minInside[1] + 1 > change.length - 1) { 
            // actually this is the case 1
            return disJointMax;
        int[] maxLeft = maxChange(change, 0, minInside[0] - 1);
        int[] maxRight = maxChange(change, minInside[1] + 1, change.length - 1);

        int intersectMax = maxLeft[2] + maxRight[2];
        if (disJointMax > intersectMax) {
            return Math.max(disJointMax, 0);
        } else {
            return Math.max(intersectMax, 0);

    // divide and conquere problem.
    public int[] maxChange(int[] change, int start, int end) {
        if (start == end) {
            int[] tmp = { start, end, change[start] };
            return tmp;
        } else {
            int middle = (int) ((start + end) / 2);
            int[] leftMax = maxChange(change, start, middle);
            int[] rightMax = maxChange(change, middle + 1, end);
            int[] crossMax = maxCross(change, start, middle, end);

            if (leftMax[2] >= rightMax[2] && leftMax[2] >= crossMax[2])
                return leftMax;
            if (rightMax[2] >= leftMax[2] && rightMax[2] >= crossMax[2])
                return rightMax;
                // (crossMax[2] >= leftMax[2] && crossMax[2] >= rightMax[2])
                return crossMax;


    private int[] maxCross(int[] change, int start, int middle, int end) {
        // get max left part
        int leftMax = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        int leftIndex = middle;
        for (int i = middle; i >= start; i--) {
            sum += change[i];
            if (sum > leftMax) {
                leftMax = sum;
                leftIndex = i;
        int rightMax = 0;
        int rightIndex = middle + 1;
        sum = 0;
        for (int i = middle + 1; i <= end; i++) {
            sum += change[i];
            if (sum > rightMax) {
                rightMax = sum;
                rightIndex = i;
        int[] tmp = { leftIndex, rightIndex, leftMax + rightMax };
        return tmp;

1: 没有考虑,可以有不买的选择,因此,当price =[2,1]时,输出了-1,而不是0.


---------------------------第二遍, 有新解法----------------------------
思路来源于 这里
某一天买进, 再后面的一天卖出,这样就是利润。
 因此,也只需要, 找到前面的一天最low的, 再找到后面的一天最high的 , 就可以了。
问题1,之所以要用divide and conquere ,就是解决O(n)的问题,而且用了O(lg(n))的空间复杂度。

现在,我们放开, 就可以用O(n)的空间复杂度+ 时间复杂度 解决问题1.。。 DP思想。
那么,本问题III, 也可以用 类似的思想解决。


public class Solution { 
    public int maxProfit(int[] prices) {
        if(prices.length <= 1 )
            return 0;
        int n = prices.length, minBefore = prices[0];
        int maxProfitBefore[] = new int[n];
        for(int i =1;i<n;i++){
            maxProfitBefore[i] = Math.max(maxProfitBefore[i-1],prices[i] - minBefore);
            minBefore = Math.min(minBefore, prices[i] );
        // calculate last 
        int result = 0, maxAfter = prices[n-1];
        for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--){
            result = Math.max(result, maxProfitBefore[i] + maxAfter - prices[i]);
            maxAfter = Math.max(maxAfter, prices[i]);
        return result;

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