Sunday, April 28, 2024

279. Perfect Squares ----M


Given an integer n, return the least number of perfect square numbers that sum to n.

perfect square is an integer that is the square of an integer; in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself. For example, 149, and 16 are perfect squares while 3 and 11 are not.


Example 1:

Input: n = 12
Output: 3
Explanation: 12 = 4 + 4 + 4.

Example 2:

Input: n = 13
Output: 2
Explanation: 13 = 4 + 9.



  • 1 <= n <= 104


明显就是个 DP 问题

class Solution {
int numSquares(int n) {
int seed = 1;
vector<int> squares;
while(seed * seed <=n){
squares.push_back(seed * seed);
// DP
vector<int> minSquare(n+1,INT_MAX);
minSquare[0] = 0;
for(int i =1;i<=n;i++){
for(const auto c : squares){
if( i - c >=0){
minSquare[i] = min(minSquare[i], minSquare[i-c] +1);
return minSquare[n];

Saturday, April 13, 2024

28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String E !!!需要动手写

Given two strings needle and haystack, return the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack.


Example 1:

Input: haystack = "sadbutsad", needle = "sad"
Output: 0
Explanation: "sad" occurs at index 0 and 6.
The first occurrence is at index 0, so we return 0.

Example 2:

Input: haystack = "leetcode", needle = "leeto"
Output: -1
Explanation: "leeto" did not occur in "leetcode", so we return -1.



  • 1 <= haystack.length, needle.length <= 104
  • haystack and needle consist of only lowercase English characters.


就是Rabin-Karp string matching algorithm 来过滤。 有个KMP 算法,太难了,不考虑


class Solution {
    int strStr(string haystack, string needle) {
        int m = needle.size(), n = haystack.size();
        if(m > n){
            return -1;
        // find a prime number to speed up , 797 is another good choice
        int prime = 3319;
        int vN = 0, vM = 0, rm = 1;// remainder of first letter position
        for(int i =0; i<m;i++){
            vN = (vN * 26 + (needle[i] - 'a')) % prime;
            vM = (vM * 26 + (haystack[i] - 'a')) % prime;
                rm = (rm*26) % prime;
        if(vN == vM && haystack.substr(0,m) == needle){
            return 0;
        for(int i = m; i<n;i++){
            vM = (( vM - (haystack[i-m] -'a') * rm) * 26 + (haystack[i]-'a') )% prime;
            vM = (vM % prime + prime) % prime; // this is NEEDED, since VM can be negative. fuck
            if(vN == vM && haystack.substr(i-m+1, m) == needle){
                return i-m+1;
        return -1;



                rm = (rm*26) % prime;

这个一开始没想到。 确实是水平不行 阿。 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

234. Palindrome Linked List E

Given the head of a singly linked list, return true if it is a 

 or false otherwise.


Example 1:

Input: head = [1,2,2,1]
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: head = [1,2]
Output: false



  • The number of nodes in the list is in the range [1, 105].
  • 0 <= Node.val <= 9


Follow up: Could you do it in O(n) time and O(1) space?



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    bool isPalindrome(ListNode* head) {
        vector<int> v;
        ListNode* runner = head;
            runner = runner->next;
        runner = head;
            int val = v.back();
            if(val != runner->val){
                return false;
            runner = runner->next;
        return true;

Follow up:

Could you do it in O(n) time and O(1) space?

1:  reverse后半段。

2: 利用 recursive  的call stack,来对比

Friday, March 8, 2024

227. Basic Calculator II M


Given a string s which represents an expression, evaluate this expression and return its value

The integer division should truncate toward zero.

You may assume that the given expression is always valid. All intermediate results will be in the range of [-231, 231 - 1].

Note: You are not allowed to use any built-in function which evaluates strings as mathematical expressions, such as eval().


Example 1:

Input: s = "3+2*2"
Output: 7

Example 2:

Input: s = " 3/2 "
Output: 1

Example 3:

Input: s = " 3+5 / 2 "
Output: 5



  • 1 <= s.length <= 3 * 105
  • s consists of integers and operators ('+', '-', '*', '/') separated by some number of spaces.
  • s represents a valid expression.
  • All the integers in the expression are non-negative integers in the range [0, 231 - 1].
  • The answer is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer.


走3遍, 第一遍, 都分割, 成为list 形式的string
第二遍。  做 / * 运算
第三遍, 做 + - 运算

class Solution {
    int calculate(string s) {
        // first convert s to list of symbols
        vector<string> V;
        int start = 0;
        while(start < s.length()){
            if(s[start]==' '){
            }else if(s[start]=='/' || s[start]=='+' || s[start]=='-' || s[start]=='*'){
                int end = start+1;
                while(end < s.length() && isdigit(s[end])){
                V.push_back(s.substr(start,end-start)); //substr (expect the 2nd as length)
                start = end;
        vector<string> V2;
        // calcualte / * first
        for(int i =0; i<V.size(); ++i){
            if(V[i] == "*" || V[i] == "/" ){
                int tmp = 0;
                if(V[i] == "*"){
                    tmp = stoi(V2.back()) * stoi( V[i+1]);
                    tmp = stoi(V2.back()) / stoi( V[i+1]);

        for(int i =0; i<V2.size(); ++i){
            cout << i<< ":" << V2[i] <<endl;
        int res = stoi(V2[0]);
        // calcualte + - 
        for(int i =1; i<V2.size(); ++i){
            if(V2[i] == "+" || V2[i] == "-" ){
                if (V2[i] == "+" ){
                    res += stoi(V2[i+1]);
                    res -= stoi(V2[i+1]);
        return res;