Find all possible combinations of k numbers that add up to a number n, given that only numbers from 1 to 9 can be used and each combination should be a unique set of numbers.
- All numbers will be positive integers.
- The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.
Example 1:
Input: k = 3, n = 7 Output: [[1,2,4]]
Example 2:
Input: k = 3, n = 9 Output: [[1,2,6], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]]A:
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> combinationSum3(int k, int n) { return helper(k, 1, n); } private: vector<vector<int>> helper(int k , int startVal, int n){ vector<vector<int>> res; if(startVal > n || k <=0 ) // to prevent stack overflow return res; if(k ==1){ if(n >= startVal && n <= 9) res.push_back(vector<int>{n}); }else{ res = helper(k, startVal+1, n); auto subRes = helper(k-1, startVal+1, n-startVal); for(auto v: subRes){ v.push_back(startVal); res.push_back(v); } } return res; } };
public class Solution { public List<List<Integer>> combinationSum3(int k, int n) { return helper( 1,k,n); } private List<List<Integer>> helper( int start, int k, int n){ List<List<Integer>> all = new LinkedList<List<Integer>>(); if(k == 1){ if(n >= start && n<= 9){ List<Integer> tmp = new LinkedList(); tmp.add(n); all.add(tmp); } return all; } for(int i = start;i<= Math.min(n,9) ; i++){ List<List<Integer>> oneLess = helper(i+1,k-1,n-i); for(List<Integer> list:oneLess) list.add(0,i); all.addAll(oneLess); } return all; } }
1: 一开始 没有注意限制条件 1---9的意思。
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